Priest Murders His Wife And Dissolves Her Body In Acid

A “Breaking Bad” inspired homicide.

Nick Danos
4 min readSep 22, 2021
Mugshot of Thomas Gotthard via the North Zealand Police Department

Maria From Jakobsen was a 43-year-old psychologist from North Zealand, Denmark.

Mrs. Jakobsen was married to 45-year-old parish priest Thomas Gotthard.

Along with their children, the couple lived together in Frederikssund, a small town located in Denmark.

On October 27th, 2020, Mrs. Jakobsen was reported missing by her sister after she didn’t appear at one of her children’s birthday party the day before.

The bizarre disappearance of Mrs. Jakobsen brought shock waves all around Frederikssund, as the town of 16.000 residents had never experienced anything like this before.

Nearly everyone there was searching for her, but she was nowhere to be found.

After many ill-fated attempts to locate Mrs. Jakobsen, the North Zealand police turned to her husband, Thomas Gotthard.

Gotthard told the police that, at the time of her disappearance, Maria was depressed and she had left their home in a hurry, leaving behind her phone and all her bank cards.

He also claimed that he did not know of any places his wife regularly visited.

