Woman Kills Husband with Boiling Water after Daughter Claimed He Had Sexually Abused Her

Did her emotions get the best of her?

Nick Danos
3 min readMar 21, 2022
Mugshot of Corinna Smith via the Cheshire Constabulary

On July 13th, 2020, 59-year-old Cheshire resident Corinna Smith went on a trip to Liverpool in order to catch up with her daughter.

When the two met, they poured a glass of wine each and began conversing.

During their conversation, Corinna’s daughter suggested they reminisce about their childhoods.

Corinna thought the conversation subject was dull, since she was confident she knew everything there was to know when it came to her daughter’s past.

However, she was gravely mistaken.

The daughter then brought to light some disturbing information regarding Corrina’s 81-year-old husband, Michael Baines.

She said that Michael had sexually abused her and her late brother Craig while they were still minors. Worse of all, this wasn’t a one-time ordeal. It lasted years.

The revelation stunned Corinna. She recalled that, back in 2007, Craig had served prison time for assaulting a man who had sexually touched him.

Sadly, the traumatic experience eventually drove Craig to his breaking point and, later that year, led him to put an end to his own…

